Online Training
per Month
- Individual training plan (monthly updated).
- Coaching via chat on website or App.
- Access to website or iPhone/Android App to see the training plan, watch training videos, track your progress and chat with your trainer.
- Nutritional advice.
- Supplement advice .
- Payment via Paypal.
Personal Training
1 Session
- One hour personal training in Berlin.
- Training location: High5 Gym, Leipziger Strasse or Fit One, Müllerstraße in Berlin.
- Payment in advance via Paypal.
- You need a Fit One, McFit , High5 or John Reed membership.
Personal Training
5 Sessions
- 5 sessions of one hour personal training in Berlin.
- Total price €350.
- Training location: High5 Gym, Leipziger Strasse or Fit One, Müllerstraße in Berlin.
- Payment in advance via Paypal.
- You need a Fit One, McFit , High5 or John Reed membership.
Personal Training
10 Sessions
- 10 sessions of one hour personal training in Berlin.
- Total price €600.
- Training location: High5 Gym, Leipziger Strasse or Fit One, Müllerstraße in Berlin.
- Payment in advance via Paypal.
- You need a Fit One, McFit , High5 or John Reed membership.